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This is a partial list of publications. Click on cover images to link to the full reports.

For a complete list of publications, visit LinkedIn

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This working paper provides a scan of how the philanthropic sector is addressing disability inclusion.

Natl Network of Consultants to Grantmakers


This tool assesses community foundations' community leadership efforts. The tool melds quantitative and qualitative approaches.

CF Insights by Candid


This paper highlights how foundations can advance equity by engaging community in their decision-making.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


Part of a series documenting 20 years of philanthropic support for youth organizing, this report analyzes funding trends in the field using qualitative and quantitative data.

Funders' Collaborative on Youth Organizing

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This report examines the efforts of the New York State Census Equity Fund to achieve a fair and accurate count for the 2020 Census. Lessons for funder collaboration are discussed.

New York State Census Equity Fund

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This publication takes a critical look at the ways in which capacity-building practices can be grounded in approaches that acknowledge and center racial equity.

Grantmakers for Effective Organizations


This report examines how national foundations can get closer to community and advance equity by working with regional organizations.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

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This research illustrates how technology training programs can better support women of color and create life-changing economic opportunities for them.


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This paper synthesizes research on the social-emotional, academic, and civic engagement outcomes associated with youth organizing.

Funders' Collaborative on Youth Organizing

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This report breaks down philanthropic giving by U.S. Foundations to organizations in Australia.

Foundation Center | Philanthropy Australia

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One in a series of three reports, this research examines philanthropic support for Black men and boys.

Foundation Center | Open Society Foundations


Drawing on a six-year national study, this book offers a richly textured analysis of community organizing for school reform.

Annenberg Institute for School Reform


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